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dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010

Don't worry!

No cal preocupar-se massa de les coses; tanmateix res sortirà perfectament! Aquest és l'argument bàsic d'aquesta cançó de Jorge Drexler, del nou disc que ha tret: "Amar la Trama", per cert, molt bo. Aquesta cançó m'agrada especialment, escolteu-la be. La música també és xula! Abaix poso la lletra:

I don't worry about a thing

If life is driving you to drink
You're sitting there wondering what just should think
I got some consolation for you
I'll give it to you if I might

I don't worry about a thing
'cause nothing's gonna be alright
nothing's gonna be alright

Jorge, the world is just one big trouble spot
Because some have planing and some have not
Always somebody playing with dynamite

Now, I don't worry about a thing
'cause nothing's gonna be alright

Don't waste your time trying to be a go-getter
Things will get worse before they get any better

I used to be troubled
I know you are
But I finally I found the light
Well, that's right

Now, I don't worry about a thing
'cause nothing's gonna be alright

I don't worry about a thing

I don't worry about a thing
'cause nothing's gonna be alright

Jorge Drexler, 2010

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